the well rested woman
an experience to invite more stillness, pleasure & rest into your life
for the women who’s feeling called to do life differently
I am so excited to be inviting you to the well rested woman, we begin on May 29th and it’s a two month container for select humans who are feeling a deeper call to embody a sense of rest and ease within their cells.
You know the importance of resting, the importance of playing in seasons and cycles and you are feeling the pull to embody this in a new way.
You may be a space holder, a guide, a giver, a helper, and as your work has stepped up, you realise too that your care needs to step up as well.
This isn’t all baths and naps, although that is fabulous, it’s about rewiring your brain, retraining your nervous system to expand it’s capacity for rest, ease, and safety, that you maybe have dipped into before.
Begin 1st June
opening ceremony
6 weeks away, how do I want to speak about this? invite people to experience what the well rested woman is, meditation, embodied practices and coaching.
10am - 11:30am each week
$ 888
payment plan
$444 per month
it’s cheaper than the working together 1-1
welcome ceremony 10am - 12pm Thursday 1st June 2 hours
group gathering: blending coaching and embodied practices 10am - 12pm Thursday 15th June 2 hours
group gathering: blending coaching and embodied practices 10am - 12pm Thursday 29th June 2 hours
group gathering: blending coaching and embodied practices 10am - 12pm Thursday 13th July 2 hours
closing circle 10am - 12pm Thursday 20th July 2 hours
= 10 hours!
10 hours of pre-recorded content
support etc.
$460 x 2 month = $920 +40
$330 x 3 months = 990 / $320 x 3 months = $960 +80
$340 per month x 2 months
$240 per month x 3 months
When you have an extra moment in your day your life what do you do? Do you think to yourself great, more time to “get shit done” but at the end of the day you still feel depleted and devoid.
The well rested woman is for the woman who has extra time and dos nothing with it. Knowing that doing nothing is sometimes the best, most powerful thing you can do for yourself.
This is a place for you to come to, to arrive at, a space for you to be held, a space to learn how to hold yourself and meet yourself deeper than before.
This is a place of ceremony, of reverence, of beauty. Of beauty in the mundane, the ordinary, the pottering, and the magic.
This is for you to feel deeply connected to your life, to your own inner world. To feel nourished, a fertile rich life.
To be a creatrix of your own life, your own world, of what you want.
A space to focus on filling yourself up in ways that feel nourishing not that junk food filling up of mindless scrolling, tv binges and keep putting off what you * really * want to be doing.
One of my favourite questions to ask is REALLY in it?
How do you really want to spend your time?
It’s for the human who gives to those around you, knows that your energy is the most important current you have. And if you’re depleted, exhausted then nothing is going to work.
Love notes to you, to support you in living a well rested life
6 weeks // $650 // 2 months
8 weeks // $888
** spoken word poetry, musings,
29th May & 1st June
Setting the container? INTENTION SETTING // CLARITY, CRYSTALISE what does being a well rested women mean for me? what does it feel like? how do I embody this? what is important to me? in this season of my life?
opening ceremony
2. Monday 5th & Thursday 8th
slowing down & finding stillness
:: journalling prompts
3. Monday 12th & Thursday 15th
adaptable nervous system
group coaching experience
4. Monday 19th & Thursday 22nd
softening and opening to life // receptive & receiving // head to heart >> touch on later, head to hear to womb
white space, integration, digital detox
5. Monday 26th & Thursday 29th
pleasure is your birthright
group coaching experience
6. Monday 3rd July & Thursday 6th July
aligning head to heart to womb // fertile living
the creatrix of your life
7. Monday 10th July & Thursday 13th July
?? seasons & cycles
group coaching call
closing ceremony
6 weeks @ 650
or 8 weeks @ 888